BoDo Commences Foreshore Cabling at Kentish Flats Extension


Vattenfall has started foreshore cabling work for Kentish Flats Extension yesterday which will be carried out through today.

As a result of this work, the foreshore area immediately to the East of Hampton Pier will be restricted to the general public for up to 48 hours, said the company.

Access to the pier and Hampton Pier Car park will also be curtailed during the cable pull in works, and some early morning works are expected.

During these works the cable vessel BoDo Installer to work on the foreshore to carry out the export cable installation.  During low tide, the vessel will land on the mud and be clearly visible to beach and water users.  Anchors will be positioned away from the vessel and buoyed for identification. An excavator and other heavy machinery will also be in operation on the beach, which may be heard locally.

Image: vattenfall