Bluefin Robotics Corporation Announces Regional Partnership with International Industries III (USA)

Business & Finance


Bluefin Robotics Corporation, a leader in the design and manufacturing of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), has announced a regional partnership with International Industries, Inc. (III), provider of marine, hydrographic and survey equipment and software.

Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, III will promote and sell Bluefin products in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio, Indiana, Maryland, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia. The agreement highlights the emergence and maturity of AUVs as a cost-effective and capable tool for use in a variety of subsea engineering projects.

Bluefin products will soon become the leading commercial UUV provider in the USA,” said Morris A. (Chic) Ransone, President of III. “The Hovering AUV and the Bluefin-21 are prime examples of the products that will provide the tip of the lance in this effort. The Bluefin product line of pressure tolerant lithium polymer batteries is an area I anticipate to be in an expanding position thru out the underwater market place.”


Bluefin Robotics manufactures and develops Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) systems and technology. Founded in 1997, the company has grown to become a world leader in AUV products designed for defense, commercial, and scientific applications. Bluefin Robotics is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Battelle.


International Industries Inc. is a worldwide provider of Marine, Hydrographic and Survey equipment and software. Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, III is a full service sales organization with rental and operator support. The Company is a small, 100% Veteran Owned, Maryland Corporation, doing business in Annapolis for over 23 years. It is heavily involved in providing equipment to the US hydrographic industry, the US Army, Navy and National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. III resides at 407 Innovation Drive, Annapolis, Maryland, 21402 and can be contacted at +1 (410) 349-4080.


Source: bluefinrobotics ,February 22, 2011;