Bladt Loads Out Northwester 2 Offshore Substation


Bladt Industries has loaded out the offshore substation destined for the Northwester 2 offshore wind farm.

Bladt Loads Out Northwester 2 Offshore Substation
Source: Bladt Industries

According to Bladt, the substation will soon leave its facility in Aalborg, Denmark, for the project site in the Belgium part of the North Sea.

The 235t transformer was installed on the offshore substation in April by using three cranes.

To remind, Bladt is responsible for designing, building and installing the substation, as well as for monopile foundations which will house the turbines and the topside, under a contract won in May last year.

Northwester 2, currently under construction some 50km north-west of Oostende, will comprise 23 MHI Vestas 164-9.5MW turbines. The 219MW offshore wind farm is scheduled for commissioning in 2020.