BG Group Orders Big in China

Business & Finance

BG Group Orders Big in China

BG Group and the investor of Queensland Curtis LNG Project have contracted Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. to build four LNG carriers plus two options.


With GTT No.96 E-2 membrane-type cargo tanks, these 174,000 m3 vessels are 290m in length, 46.95m in breath and 26.25m in depth (moulded).

The vessels can be operated at a service speed of 19.5 knots with a design draught of 11.5m and a scantling draught of 12.5m.

H&Z has successfully delivered 6 LNG carriers to date, with 10 ships on order.

With the addition of these 4 LNG carriers, H&Z now has an orderbook of 14 LNG carriers.

Queensland Curtis LNG (QCLNG) will be the world’s first project to turn gas from coal seams into liquefied natural gas, or LNG.

The project, which has been under construction since 2010, will provide cleaner hydrocarbon energy for export markets from 2014.

Press Release, July 4th, 2014