BG Group Announces Another Gas Discovery Offshore Tanzania

Business & Finance

BG Group today announced that its second Tanzanian exploration well, Chewa-1, has also discovered gas.

The well, located in Block 4 approximately 80 kilometres offshore southern Tanzania in a water depth of around 1 300 metres, is some eight kilometres north-west of BG Group’s Pweza-1 gas discovery announced in October*.

Chewa-1, operated by Ophir Energy plc (40%), is the second of a three-well initial work programme planned for Blocks 1, 3 and 4 offshore southern Tanzania. The initial work programme also includes the acquisition of 4 000 square kilometres of 3D seismic data. BG Group (60%) has the option to assume operatorship of all three Blocks upon completion of the initial work programme.

BG Group Chief Executive Frank Chapman said: “This is an encouraging start to our campaign in Tanzania. We have a large acreage position to explore and an extensive exploration programme will be needed to assess the full potential of this new play.”

BG Group plc  is a world leader in natural gas, with a strategy focused on connecting competitively priced resources to specific, high-value markets. Active in more than 25 countries on five continents, BG Group has a broad portfolio of exploration and production, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), transmission and distribution and power generation business interests. It combines a deep understanding of gas markets with a proven track record in finding and commercialising reserves.


Source: BG Group  ,December  1, 2010;