Belgium: Offshore Wind Business Expands in Port of Oostende

Ports & Logistics

Belgium: Offshore Wind Business Expands in Port of Oostende

On Monday 19th August 2 new projects officially started at the Zeewezendok in the Port of Ostend: the erection of a new building and an extensive renovation to the existing Rebo building. Brand new locations for two important companies active in the wind energy business: Vestas Offshore and Parkwind.

In presence of Mr. Johan Vande Lanotte, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of the North Sea and Mr. Jean Vandecasteele, Mayor of the City of Ostend the first stone was laid for the new building hosting the Danish Vestas Offshore team. The Vestas building will cover 1310 m² of space. Operation and Maintenance of the Wind farms of Northwind, on the Lodewijksbank, and Belwind, on the Blighbank, will be executed from these offices. About 50 employees will be engaged in several divisions (administration, storage, workplace,…). In the early stage 4 maintenance vessels will be used to go to sea every day.

“Both Belgium and the Netherlands are important offshore wind markets and at Vestas we see this new service facility as a great way for us to further improve our operation and maintenance activities for the Bligh Bank and North Wind offshore wind farms. We look forward to a closer collaboration with the offshore renewable energy network at the Port of Oostende and to meeting our new neighbors in the area. We thank Rebo for help and assistance in establishing the service facility,” states Flemming Ougaard, Chief Operations Officer at Vestas Offshore.

The operator of both wind farms (Northwind & Belwind) is Parkwind. Parkwind will be housed in the existing Rebo building. This building will be refurbished and will be used as office and storage space. Parkwind monitors and manages the wind farms. Some 15 employees will work for Parkwind.

“Today 55 wind turbines are in operation on the Belwind wind farm, meaning an installed capacity of 165 MW. Plans are made to extend the wind farm with another 55 turbines, to 330 MW in the course of 2015. The construction of the Northwind farm has already started. Construction will be ended in 2014. The wind farm will include 72 turbines for a total capacity of 216 M,” states Wim Biesemans, CEO of Parkwind.

Both the new building and the renovation of the Rebo building are designed by architect office Debruyne and building contractor Artes-Depret will be in charge of the construction. Parkwind and Vestas will operate from the new premises as from early 2014.


Press release, August 19, 2013; Image: Port of Oostende