Baltic 2 Substation Installed


The weather did not play along the first couple of times EnBW attempted to anchor the offshore substation for its Baltic 2 offshore wind farm, but yesterday’s bright sunshine and a calm sea provided for ideal conditions to fix the substation to the seabed. 

The 4,400-ton platform had already been transported from the port of Kiel in early September to the construction site for the installation. However, due to weather change, the work had to be canceled for safety reasons and the substation was brought in the safe harbor of Sassnitz.

After a week, the endeavor was repeated, but yet again the bad weather tested the patience of the EnBW’s project management team. Finally, around noon on Monday, the offshore substation was installed at its position in the Baltic Sea.

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Offshore WIND Staff, October 01, 2014; Image: EnBW