AXYS Puts New Polish Project on Offshore Wind Map

Research & Development

AXYS Technologies informed today that its WatchKeeper buoy has been deployed at an offshore wind site some 60km off the Northern coast of Poland in the Baltic Sea.

Namely, the buoy has been procured by Polish company Baltic Trade and Invest (BTI), which is preparing to carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) campaign in order to submit an application for a 350MW offshore wind project, named FEW Baltic II.

BTI holds the concession for the 350MW wind farm that would generate enough energy to power up some 130,000 homes. The project developer is now teaming up with other companies in order to build its wind farm, according to AXYS’ press release.

The WatchKeeper meteorological and oceanographic data buoy is equipped to provide wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, solar radiation, directional waves, current speed and direction, conductivity, and water temperature in near real-time via satellite telemetry.

The buoy also uses a new AIS Aid to Navigation device, which broadcasts buoy position and weather information to local vessel traffic. This both protects the buoy from collision by notifying vessels of its location, and can also act as an additional telemetry method providing data within radio range, AXYS explained.

An AXYS Field Technician assisted with the commissioning and deployment of the buoy, as well as provided training to the local service workers for the continued operation and maintenance of the buoy.

Offshore WIND Staff