AW-Energy, OEE set up Järvenpää Research Center visit

Business & Finance
Järvenpää Research Cente (Image: EC)

Ocean Energy Europe (OEE), in collaboration with AW-Energy, is organizing a site visit to Järvenpää Research Center as part of European Maritime Day 2016.

The visit is expected to provide an insight into the European ocean energy sector, and the AW-Energy’s WaveRoller, one of the most advanced wave energy technologies in the world.

The Järvenpää facility is purpose-built to test and fine-tune full-scale power take-off systems up to 1 MW.

The wave machine at Järvenpää consists of a giant hydraulic piston that simulates the power of natural waves in the ocean, and the full-scale wave machine can be programmed to run any stochastic wave state up to 2 MW.

This unit is connected to the power take-off of the WaveRoller, a sophisticated hydraulic circuit running an electric generator.

The visit requires a registration with Ocean Energy Europe by April 30, 2016, and is scheduled for the day preceding the conference, on May 17, 2016.

European Maritime Day is the annual meeting point for Europe’s maritime community to network, discuss, and forge joint action.

This year’s focus is put on the theme of ‘Investing in competitive blue growth – smart and sustainable solutions’, and the event willt take place in Turku, Finland, on May 18-19, 2016.