Avance Newbuilds Burning Again

Business & Finance
Avance Newbuilds Burning Again
Jiangnan shipyard

Avance Gas Holding Ltd  has been informed that there has been another fire incident involving cargo tank no. 3 on board hull 1074 under construction at Jiangnan Changxing Heavy Industry shipyard in China. No casualties or injuries have been reported, and the cause of the fire and its impact is currently being investigated.

This is the second incident where one of Avance’s newbuilds caught fire.

The first incident was reported back on April 9, 2014, when fire broke out on hull 1071 which was also being built at the Jiangnan shipyard. No casualties or injuries were reported at that time also, and the fire was put out completely.

The shipyard subsequently launched an investigation to establish the degree of the damage caused by the fire and the consequences, including whether the incident would delay the delivery of the newbuild, planned for delivery in October 2014.

The report has not been made public.

World Maritime News Staff; August 19, 2014