Australia: AXYS Supplies Buoys for Bing Bong Ops

Business & Finance

AXYS Technologies Inc. (AXYS) through its Australian partner Metocean Services International Pty Ltd. (MSI), has recently delivered two buoy systems to assist PB Sea-Tow (Australia) Pty Ltd (Sea-Tow) with setting up the loading operations at Bing Bong, Northern Territory, Australia.


Sea-Tow will deploy two systems: a WatchMate buoy equipped with Nortek 1MHz Z-Cell current profiler and AXYS’ HydroLevel payload, and a TRIAXYS with Currents Directional Wave Buoy.

The HydroLevel payload on the WatchMate buoy uses DGPS to provide mean sea level. The GPS receiver on the buoy receives corrected vertical positioning via RTK from a nearby base station erected at the terminal. The buoy will be deployed inside a dredged channel and will provide port personnel with real time water depths in the channel. The current profiler onboard the WatchMate buoy will also provide current speed and direction to help the barges navigating the channel understand the cross currents during channel passage.

The TRIAXYS buoy will be deployed several miles outside the channel at a mooring location where the bulk cargo will be offloaded from barges onto bulk carriers. The TRIAXYS will provide real time wave and current data to the operators to ensure safe operations.

AXYS personnel will be traveling to Bing Bong to commission the systems and provide training in the coming weeks. The buoys are expected to be deployed in July of 2014.

Press Release, June 30, 2014