Asso.subsea connects Greek island-based wind farm to mainland (Gallery)
Asso.subsea has completed the installation of the 150 kV submarine cable system which will connect a 330 MW onshore wind farm on the Greek island Evia to the country’s mainland grid.

The company announced on 16 February the completion of the submarine export cable installation and protection for the Kafireas II wind farm located at the southern end of Evia island.

According to Asso.subsea, the project was characterized by extremely difficult landings and demanding burial requirements.
The company used the cable laying vessel Atalanti and the trenching support vessels Aethra and Argo, both equipped with the latest version of the AssoJet and AssoTrencher IV burial tools, to carry out the work.
“This important project marks a significant milestone for Asso.subsea being the first project where Asso acted as EPCI contractor in joint venture with Hellenic Cables,” said Giannis Kyrzidis, Project Manager of Asso.subsea.
“As a one–stop-shop service provider for offshore activities, we have been responsible for the cable loading, transportation, installation and protection of more than 70km of submarine cable up to 150m of water depth, including the execution of geotechnical and geophysical surveys, offering wide expertise and extended ability to execute a complex and timely sensitive project, thanks to a full vertically-integrated solution.”
Asso.subsea and Hellenic Cables secured the project in February 2021 with Greece’s Terna Energy.
The offshore cable was manufactured at Hellenic Cables’ submarine cable production facility in Corinth, while onshore cables were manufactured at the company’s Thiva plant.