Arista Shipping Embarks on Smart Shipping Journey with ABS

Business & Finance

Greece-based shipping company Arista Shipping is beginning its path to smart shipping operations with a new ocean data agreement signed with classification society ABS.

Illustration; Image Courtesy: Arista Shipping

Under the deal, Arista’s fleet and managed vessels will use processed data from the ABS Metocean Hindcast Data application to guide operational decision making.

ABS data processing is applied to over a decade of Metocean Hindcast model data from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to determine the wind speed, wind direction, wave height, wave period, and wave direction corresponding to a specified vessel’s route. This can be compared with a vessel’s operational tolerances to guide safer voyages, according to ABS.

“This is a powerful example of the potential of digital technologies to drive safety performance and operational efficiencies,” Kashif Mahmood, ABS Senior Vice President of Digital Solutions, commented.

“The ABS Metocean Hindcast Data Application is cloud-based and available anytime, anywhere in the world. It is the first step for Arista along the road to smart shipping operations and we are proud to partner with them on this journey,” he added.

“Digital solutions can truly enhance the efficiency of operations. Historic data of wind and sea condition is an indispensable input for an accurate follow up of fleet performance,” Antonis Trakakis, Arista Shipping Technical Manager, said.

“ABS has been selected for the provision of this service on the grounds that it can offer a broader cooperation and support for the evaluation and the safe handling of the data from on board the ships, and ultimately to become a partner towards a smart ship in the near future,” Trakakis continued.

Founded in 2007, Arista Shipping owns and operates a fleet of vessels in the Handysize and Supramax sizes built in Japan and South Korea. The company leads the Project Forward which advocates that with LNG as fuel, an advanced hull design, and highly efficient propulsion machinery, it will be possible to meet the IMO’s target for a 40 percent reduction in carbon intensity by 2030.