Areva: UK Companies Should Use Current German Offshore Wind Market

Business & Finance

Areva: UK Companies Should Use Current German Offshore Wind Market

As Areva prepares for its meet-the-buyer event at OrbisEnergy on October 23, the company advises wind industry suppliers to use the German offshore wind market now, in order to get the UK’s Round 3 contracts more easily. 

Head of the Areva’s UK wind sector, Julian Brown, is quoted by the EDP24 news site as saying that the construction of the offshore wind Round 3 will take 20 years. However, suppliers could use the most of the opportunities that Germany currently has for regional companies, so they do not have to wait for the UK contracts.

At the event, organised by the East of England Energy Group, Mr. Brown expects to get an insight into available resources and businesses that want to work for Areva, as well as make contacts with companies.

All of this came after a letter was sent to the UK Government, raising concerns over the Government support for the industry, which has been signed by Areva, too. Mr. Brown comments: “Areva has a strong place in the market. We are keen to develop our position in the UK market. We have to get stuck in on the ground and do the best we can in the confidence that the government will make the right decisions for the industry in the long term.” 


Offshore WIND staff, October 10, 2012; Image: Areva