Archer Knight adds offshore wind to its market intelligence platform

IT & Software

Archer Knight has expanded its software-as-a-service market intelligence platform to include offshore wind developments as well as subsea oil & gas.

Archer Knight

The Aberdeen-based subsea market intelligence and consultancy firm, formed by Mike Watson & David Sheret, launched Flowline this year.

The platform gives companies from the subsea supply chain greater insight into where they can find the most profitable opportunities.

It drives data and analysis directly to its users, with charts and graphics on data points including vessel activity, ongoing projects, and offshore activity.

Now, as companies increasingly look to diversify and explore opportunities in renewable energy, Archer Knight added global offshore wind projects (floating and fixed) into Flowline.

Specifically, in the first phase, the company added Western Europe – around 200 projects.

The company should also include the full expanse of offshore wind developments (around 700 projects) by early September.

As a result, users will be able to see details of ownership and operators of all the developments.

Archer Knight executive director, David Sheret, said:

“Flowline continues to grow, and we’re fully focused on providing enhanced, granular market visibility to our clients without increased costs.”

“Diversification is a key concern across the energy industry. This has become even more important in recent months as global events mean companies are rethinking their business models. Adding offshore wind to Flowline will ensure those companies wanting to diversify have access to the information they need to take their businesses forward.”