Argeo secures patent for new method for buried objects detection

Another patent in for Argeo

Business Developments & Projects

Argeo Robotics has secured a new patent from the Norwegian Industrial Patent Office (Patentstyret), this time for a subsea electromagnetic remote-sensing system for detecting buried objects below the seafloor.

Source: Argeo

The patent protects Argeo’s exclusive services with the Argeo Whisper system for detecting metal objects on or buried under the seafloor, as well as the use of the system on any subsea vehicle and when it is towed behind a surface vessel.

It is said to be the third patent granted to Argeo from its Intellectual Rights portfolio in Argeo Robotics since listing on Euronext Growth in 2021.

According to the company, the technology enables a significant increase in efficiency on how any buried objects, explosives, and debris are detected and positioned in decommissioning surveys, pipelines, electric power cables etc.

It also has the ability to detect metals that are not magnetized and as such not observable using the methods commonly used by the industry today, Argeo said.

Argeo Whisper is currently integrated into Argeo’s autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) combined with the EM processing methodology.

“There is significant interest from customers in the offshore wind, oil and gas and marine minerals industry for the applications this technology can be used for and the challenges it can solve,” said Trond F. Crantz, CEO of Argeo.

“The continuously growing IP portfolio shows the success of our sensor technology development, the importance of Argeo Robotics and the value this development creates for our shareholders now and in the years to come.”

To remind, at the end of June, Argeo reported it had secured a patent from the Norwegian Industrial Property Office for a subsea electromagnetic remote-sensing system for tracking buried cables and pipelines below the seafloor.