Anholt OWF Down, Error Found on Subsea Cable

Anholt Offshore Wind Farm has been offline since Saturday, February 21, due to a fault on the subsea cable connecting the wind farm to the grid on land, reported today.

Over the weekend, it was established that the error occurred on the cable near the offshore substation. However, it is still too early to determine the cause.

“Nothing indicates that a ship or an anchor is causing the error,” states.

Two vessels are preparing for the repair job; One will set the cable free from the seabed, and the other will rise the cable to the surface to fix it.

The work is expected to last for three weeks. But, if the weather conditions become harsh, it could easily take more than that before the wind farm can again send power in land, says Per Hylle from

Last year, an error occurred on an onshore part of the Anholt cabling infrastructure, which put the wind farm offline for a week. had to pay over DKK 9 million to Dong Energy to compensate for lost profits in the seven days.

Offshore WIND Staff; Image: Dong Energy