Aleron trials MultiROV in ‘momentous milestone’


Aleron Limited, ROV solutions, tooling and products specialist, has conducted a test of its MultiROV work class ROV in the ROVOP’s test tank.

MultiROV. Courtesy of Aleron Limited

According to Aleron, the testing of the flexible solution to subsea remote operations took place earlier this month marking a ‘momentous milestone’.

Aleron MultiROV
MultiROV. Courtesy of Aleron Limited

The satisfying outcome of the test is said to bring the company closer to proving how to improve the operational weather window of ROV systems in high currents that are often experienced in wind farm construction areas.

Following the tank test, the next step includes sea trials.

In the company-related news, in November 2021, Aleron launched two crane-deployed decommissioning solutions focused on the removal of subsea pipelines and their surrounding protection.

The Aleron Mattress Orientation, Lifting and Extraction (M.O.L.E) tool was designed to safely recover subsea concrete mattresses during decommissioning activities.

The second solution, the Aleron Pipe Recovery Tool relates to recovering varying lengths of pipe from the seabed floor and returning to the deck or lifting basket during decommissioning operations.