Aker BP and Framo Ink Seawater Lift Pumps Maintenance Deal


Aker BP and Framo have entered into a long-term contract for seawater lift pumps maintenance which covers all of the five field centers where Aker BP is the operator.

Trond Petter Abrahamsen, Director in Framo Services and Kjetel Digre, head of operations and field development in Aker BP. Photo credit: Lars Petter Larsen/Framo.

This is a continuation of the pilot contract signed by Aker BP, pump supplier Framo and technology company Cognite during ONS in 2018.

In 2018, the two companies and Cognite, a global AI software company, set up a digital pilot effort for predictive maintenance of the seawater lift pumps on the Aker BP-operated Ivar Aasen field.

According to Aker BP, the new contract represents a huge step within digitalization and predictive maintenance.

Going forward, algorithms and sensor data will help Aker BP to increase uptime and reduce maintenance on its seawater lift pumps.

The new ‘smart’ contract has a duration of six years, with an option for an additional six years.

“Cooperation with Cognite, along with sharing of data, have been essential in arriving at both algorithms, digital boards and an incentive model that ensures value for both Aker BP and Framo. This way of working is in line with Aker BP’s strategy where we create added value together with strategic partners,” says Kjetel Digre in Aker BP.

“Basing contract models on real-time data has been uncharted territory. With the release of these data flows, Framo has been able to predict the condition of equipment, foresee what will happen with the pumps in the future, and in turn plan effective maintenance. Together with Aker BP, we have altered the traditional approach to maintenance. We are now continuing this cooperation into the future and over to the other fields,” says Trond Petter Abrahamsen, managing director in Framo Services.