Aibel hopes to turn its long-term goal into reality with new management at its yard in Haugesund

Aibel pursuing long-term goals with new management roles

Human Capital

Norwegian energy services company Aibel has made management changes at its yard in Haugesund in pursuit of its end goal and enduring vision for the future, aspiring to achieve the status of a leading supplier of maintenance solutions and sustainable infrastructure for the energy sector.

Aibel's yard in Haugesund; Source: Aibel

Aibel announced on Friday that Lars Inge Hellestveit would enter the role of Vice President Yard Operations in Haugesund, while Hans Jørgen Alfsen would be the new Fabrication Manager for the entire fabrication chain in Haugesund. Both of these appointments are effective immediately based on the firm’s statement.

LarsvInge Hellestveit, new VP of Yard Operations; Credit: Aibel/Øyvind Sætre
LarsvInge Hellestveit, new VP of Yard Operations; Credit: Aibel/Øyvind Sætre

The company revealed its expectations and hopes for the future in regards to the new management by stating: “Through improvements and further development of the yard operation, Lars Inge Hellestveit and Hans Jørgen Alfsen will contribute to achieving Aibel’s long-term goal of being a leading supplier of sustainable infrastructure and maintenance solutions for the energy sector.”

Hans Jørgen Alfsen, Fabrication Manager; Courtesy of Aibel
Hans Jørgen Alfsen, Fabrication Manager; Courtesy of Aibel

Aibel explains that Hellestveit comes from the position as project manager for the upgrade of the Njord Bravo FSU (floating storage unit), while Alfsen worked as the construction manager on the second processing platform for Johan Sverdrup, P2. Ole Sandvik, the outgoing VP Yard Haugesund, has moved into the role of Project Director for the KELP project at Kårstø.

Nils Arne Sølvik, Executive Vice President for Modifications and Yard services, remarked: “The yard has many important tasks going forward, and it will be a pleasure to work with Hellestveit, Alfsen and the entire team in Haugesund on the way forward.”

Aibel was awarded significant assignments on the Norwegian continental shelf over the past year along with several large onshore facilities for oil and gas processing. One of these contracts was signed with Equinor in November 2021. The deal is worth around NOK 5 billion (about $560 million), including options.

The contract was awarded on behalf of the licence partners in Krafla, Gina Krog, Asterix, and Gassco at Kårstø and Aibel’s estimates show that this deal will require 3500 person-years in total. According to the firm, the contracts it secured last year are the result of well-executed projects, including at Aibel’s yard in Haugesund, and the fact that the company has achieved good competitiveness in the Norwegian market.

“Aibel Haugesund has been through a very hectic period with large deliveries, in addition to dealing with a demanding pandemic. Everyone has made a phenomenal effort over a very long period of time, and now it is time to look ahead and work actively to continue to deliver on customers’ expectations in the years to come,” concluded Sølvik.