ABS approves Wison standardized FLNG designs

ABS approves Wison standardized FLNG designs


The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has approved Wison Offshore and Marine’s standardized 1.3 mtpa and 3 mtpa FLNG designs.

Courtesy of Wison Offshore and Marine
ABS approves Wison's standardized FLNG designs
Courtesy of Wison Offshore and Marine

In its statement, the company said that with the approval of the standardized design the front-end design work can be completed ahead of time and shorted the project delivery cycle.

The company believes the standardized nature of the design enables economies of scale in terms of procurement and streamlines construction and commissioning processes.

The company further said that the design prioritizes self-supporting prismatic shape (SPB) type LNG cargo containment system in order to adapt to a variety of sea and operating conditions.

Commenting on the permit, Wison Offshore and Marine’s FLNG division general manager Wei Huaqing said, “through close cooperation, Wison Offshore and Marine has been able to optimize the design for both of the 1.3 mtpa and 3.0 mtpa facilities providing economic advantages to both potential clients and EPCIC contractor.”