Aarsleff Signs Contract for Installation of Monopiles on Offshore Wind Farm DanTysk (Germany)

Business & Finance

Aarsleff and German Bilfinger Berger GmbH entered into a contract for the execution of the offshore wind farm DanTysk.

The offshore wind farm will be built in the North Sea, approx. 70 kilometres west of the island Sylt and close to the maritime border between Denmark and Germany. The total capacity of the offshore wind farm will be 288 MW. The project will be carried out by a consortium consisting of Vattenfall in Germany (51%) and Stadtwerke München (49%).

Production and installation of 80 monopile foundations

The contract consists of production and installation of 80 monopile foundations which will be installed in water depths of up to 32 metres. The monopiles are up to 65 metres long and weigh up to 730 tons. Besides the monopile, the foundation consists of a transition piece with a weight of 250 tons and a length of 27 metres. The foundation diameter is up to 6 metres.

The execution period is from 2011 to 2013. Planning and production of foundations will mainly take place in the period 2011-2012. The installation of the foundations will take place from 2012 to 2013.

The client does not want to publish the contract value.

Significant order

The order is of great importance to Aarsleff. ”We focus very much on establishment of offshore wind farms in Northern Europe, and we are well-prepared for the development of solutions that are optimised in terms of technology, economy and time”, says Lars Carlsen, deputy general manager.

The Aarsleff Bilfinger Berger JV, referred to as ABJV, is one of the world’s leading companies within installation of offshore wind farms and is currently executing the world’s largest offshore wind farm London Array at the Thames estuary in the North Sea. The London Array Offshore Wind Farm consists of 177 monopile foundations, and ABJV’s contract concerns production and installation of foundations as well as installation of wind turbines.

The order does not affect Aarsleff’s expectations for the financial year 2010/2011.

Source: aarsleff, April 14, 2011; Image: iabse