Norway: Havila Shipping Wins Statoil Contract for New Build Havyard 833 L PSV

Havila Shipping ASA has won a tender with Statoil for delivering platform supply services. The contract is a permanent 5-year deal with an option for a further 3 years. In order to deliver this service Havila Shipping will build Havyard 833 L a platform supply vessel at Havyard Ship Technology`s shipyard in Leirvik, Norway.

The newbuild contract is worth NOK 360 million. The ship will become the shipyard`s newbuild no. 107 and is due delivered in December 2012.

Havila Shipping`s aim is to deliver high quality maritime supply services for international offshore oil and gas production. Havila Shipping has ships in operation for customers around the globe, but the North Sea is of course our main arena. The North Sea is one of the most demanding areas for oil and gas exploration in the world and this leads to very strict demands on secure operations of rigs and vessels. The technology being developed for this area is at the forefront and sets the standard for much of what is developed in other demanding global areas of oil- and gas exploration. Norwegian shipping companies and suppliers of this industry have therefore an advantage and great competitiveness worldwide, especially where there are really strict demands on quality and safety. Statoil is one of the most demanding companies in the world and stimulates a development of technology that is first and foremost in terms of safety, environment and efficiency. Winning such a tender is prestigious and shows that Statoil recognises the quality of our services. When in addition knowing that there was huge competition from many shipping companies in regards to this contract, it shows that Havila Shipping can deliver these services very efficiently and that we are competitive. Having developed a special edition of Havyard 833 L together with Havyard Design & Engineering has also been a prerequisite for winning this contract. This is the 7th long-term contract between Havila Shipping and Statoil. We have good experiences in our cooperation with Havyard where they are experts at designing and building advanced offshore vessels, and correspondingly we have our own vast experience in operating such vessels“, says Managing Director Njål Sævik of Havila Shipping ASA.

Havyard 833 L is a large and modern PSV design with a focus on operational costs and economy, large, flexible capacities for freight of various types of cargo, good comfort for the crew and environmentally friendly design. This version is in addition, specially designed for the demands that Statoil put forward for this particular contract.

Statoil is a demanding customer and it is a privilege to deliver products and services to this company. They are ahead and a catalyst for development of new solutions that other oil companies and operators very often use in the future. They are demanding and require for us to be innovative. In addition to being ahead in terms of environment and safety Statoil has also a great focus on operational economy, in particular that their vessels are fuel efficient. What is new with this tender is that it simply isn`t enough for the shipping companies to document fuel consumption with theoretical calculations. Now there are demands for this to be verified when the ship is in operation having physical measurements onboard. We think this is very positive and we are looking forward to proving that Havyard design TM is at the forefront when it comes to operational costs and fuel economy. Since we started developing our designs in 2005 we have been through a very exciting process. From being a fresh and unknown designer we have been recognised worldwide and vessels of Havyard design TM are now built for ship-owners and at shipyards in many parts of the world. It was a great event for us when winning the prize for best offshore vessel in the world in 2011 for the work on Seven Havila. And it is fantastic that Statoil now choose our design. This would simply not be possible without the enthusiastic and knowledgeable people working at Havyard Design & Engineering“, says Design Manager Arve Helsem Leine.

Havyard 833 L has the following main data:

Loa: 95 metres

Breadth: 19.6 metres

Dead weight: 5000 tonnes

Deck area: 1100 m2

Speed: 15 knots

Accommodation: 22 persons

In addition to designing and building Havyard 833 L, companies within Havyard Group will deliver the following products and services for the ship:

– Electro installations

– Havyard IASTM and PMS

– Havyard Concept BridgeTM

– Havyard Bridge Watch System

– Havyard Communication, Information & Entertainment System

– Multi Control System

– Diesel Electric Propulsion System


Source: havyard, June 23, 2011;