Brazil: OSX Shipyard Installs Largest Crane in Americas

Business & Finance


The largest crane in the Americas will be installed at OSX´s shipyard. The company belongs to EBX Group and it is focused on offshore marine industry. The crane will be 125 meters high (equivalent to a 40-floor building), will have a distance of 186 meters between the pillars (two times the length of Maracanã soccer field), and a capacity for 1,600 tons (which corresponds to the weight of 2,000 cars) and it will be implanted at the Açu Superport Industrial Complex, in São João da Barra, north of the state of Rio de Janeiro, where the company will build its shipyard.

OSX signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Hyundai Samho, a subsidiary of Hyundai Heavy Industries – which is an OSX partner at the Shipyard – to acquire this equipment, similar to the one already installed in the offshore division of Hyundai.

The South Korean crane will be used to construct hulls and to move loads in the shipyard’s dry dock area. The equipment will allow the assembly of large blocks or modules of FPSO vessels at once, ensuring productivity, in line with the deadlines for constructions.

OSX’s shipyard has obtained Preliminary Environmental License. After obtaining the Installation License, which is expected to happen further this semester, OSX will start the construction of the largest shipyard in the Americas.


Source: OSX, June 10, 2011