All Nissum Turbines Installed, Cabling Work Nearing Completion


The fourth and final Siemens Gamesa 7MW wind turbine was installed at the Nissum Bredning site in January, with cabling works now well underway and expected to be completed soon, according to the project’s social media page. 

Image source: Nissum Bredning Vind (cropped)

The installation of cable pipes started in late December 2017 and was completed in the second half of January 2018, when JD-Contractor and Swiss company Plumettaz started laying the cables through the pipes as part of the novel “Cable in pipe” concept that is being tested at the Danish offshore wind test site.

Nissum Bredning wind farm was expected to produce first power last month, however, the challenging weather conditions have been disrupting the works and currently the project team is working on laying the two last cables through the pre-installed pipes. With the first days of February, JD-Contractor and Jysk Energy, which connects the cables on land, linked the export cable from wind turbine position M2 to the transformer station in Thyborøn.

Once completed, the 28MW offshore wind farm, which serves as a testbed for Siemens’ technology, will get support by receiving a guaranteed feed-in tariff of DKK 0.7/kWh (EUR 0.09/kWh) for the initial 10 years for the first 50,000 full load hours of operation.