Denmark Schedules Wind Turbine Test Centers Expansion Talks

Authorities & Government

The Danish parliament will discuss the expansion of the Høvsøre and Østerild wind turbine test centers on 5 April, according to DTU Wind Energy.

The plan is that the two centers are expanded with two additional test stands respectively, making a total of seven test stands in Høvsøre and nine in Østerild.

The law, expected to take effect on 1 July, will also allow the centers to accommodate larger turbines, enabling Høvsøre to test wind turbines up to 200 meters tall and Østerild turbines up to 330 meters in height.

Poul Hummelshøj, Head of Section at DTU Wind Energy and responsible for Østerild and Høvsøre, said: “If Denmark should continue to remain at the peak of wind energy research and development, it is important that we have the right facilities that will enable us to test and develop wind turbines. It is therefore positive, that we now have the opportunity to test on an even larger scale in Østerild and Høvsøre.”

The Danish government, which approved the expansion of the centers in March last year, has recently announced plans to set aside around DKK 210 million to fund testing of wind turbines outside the two established test centers.