Petrobras finds oil in a new frontier area in the Santos Basin

A Consortium formed by Petrobras, BG, and by Portuguese Petrogal found light oil in the 1-BRSA-369A-RJS (1-RJS-628A) well, located in ultradeep Santos Basin waters.

The well, which is still being drilled, is located in a new exploratory frontier area, where water depth reaches 2,140 meters.

The well, the first one drilled in the BM-S-11 block, is located 250 kilometers away from the southern coast of the city of Rio de Janeiro, and 280 kilometers away from the Duque de Caxias Refinery (Reduc). It represents a historical landmark for oil exploration in Brazil since it is the first one to surpass a layer of salt that is more than 2,000 meters thick, in the marine subsoil, and find oil.