10MW+ Wind Turbine Project Wades Into Deep Waters

Research & Development

Principle Power has joined a project led by German turbine manufacturer Senvion to develop the Next Generation 10+MW rated, Robust, Reliable and Large Offshore Wind Energy Converters for Clean, Low Cost and Competitive Electricity (ReaLCoE).

Starting from 1 May 2018 and for the next three and a half years, Senvion will lead the implementation of ReaLCoE, a pan-European R&D project funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 program.

Over the course of the project, the consortium will develop, install, demonstrate, operate and test a technology platform for the first prototype of a double-digit rated capacity turbine in a realistic offshore environment.

As part of the project, Principle Power will design a WindFloat floating offshore wind foundation capable of hosting this next generation turbine.

“Being a part of this planning from the start lets Principle Power and the consortium drive integration and efficiency into the design process,” said Dominique Roddier, Principle Power’s Chief Technology Officer.

“By also focusing on installation and operations, the project brings us to the forefront of the sector, allowing us to be ready to deploy at large scale competitively.”

Jürgen Geißinger, CEO of Senvion, expects ReaLCoE to result in much quicker times to market and LCoE that will allow offshore wind energy to directly compete in electricity markets.

“Increased operational lifetime and lower service and maintenance requirements will substantially reduce LCoE. The robust, reliable and modular turbine design allows to easily customize wind turbines for different markets and client requirements,” Geißinger said.

The successful prototype operation is succeeded by the installation of a pre-series array in a real offshore environment by 2021, which will validate the concept and pave the way for modular generations of wind turbines with superior rated capacities.

Besides Senvion, the ReaLCoE consortium comprises EnBW, Principle Power, Jan De Nul, Fraunhofer IWES, DTU, Uptime Engineering, 8.2 Consulting, JBO, DNV GL, Ingeteam, ABB AB, BIBA, ECN, and Wood.