Angola LNG to Send Fourth Cargo


Angola LNG to Send Fourth Cargo

Angola LNG is about to ship its fourth cargo next week prior to a 53-day maintenance shutdown that is now set to begin on September 29, Reuters informs.

The next shipment is due to take place early next week, either Monday or Tuesday,” Reuters cited an unknown source at Angola LNG as saying.

The source also added that a fifth shipment awaited by traders may not materialise before the LNG terminal shuts for planned diagnostic tests.

Angola LNG has delivered its first cargo in July to Petrobras’ regasification terminal in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro.

At full production it is expected that over 70 cargoes per year will leave the Angola LNG plant, supplying 5.2 million tons per year of LNG, plus propane, butane and condensate.


LNG World News Staff, September 20, 2013; Image: Angola LNG