Official: Iran Able to Independently Operate South Pars Phases

 Official: Iran Able to Independently Operate South Pars Phases

Mehrzad Safvat, the managing director of Petropars Operation and Management Co. (POMC) said that Iran is already able to independently operate South Pars Phases.

The young engineers of POMC have gained the necessary work experiences in their cooperation with such international big companies as TOTAL, during the incumbency of Eng. Zangeneh, he said, addressing to correspondents, and emphasizing that POMC is able to operate all South Pars Gas Field Undergoing Projects.

With the commencement of operation of phases 6,7 and 8 of South Pars Gas Field, because of the lack of human resources in the operation section in Pars Oil and Gas Complex Refining Company, POMC directed the phases 6, 7 and 8 for a year and half, managing director of POMC said.

He said the most important activities of POMC include: operating phases 6, 7 and 8, engineering and supervision on pre-commissioning and execution of performance test of phases 15 and 16, designing computer system for managing repairs in the processing unit of phases one through 10, managing and leading HSE services of South pars Phases 1-3, pre-commissioning and commissioning of South Pars Phase 12.
The establishment of an operation and exploitation company as a subsidiary of Petropars Co. from the operation of SP1 and SP2 as well as SP6-7-8 was set forth, this was while the South Pars Projects were completely different with what we knew at that time concerning the planning for oil and gas industry projects, POMC managing director added, stating that the construction and operation of a processing unit is more difficult than its operation.

After operating Phases 1 and 2 and Phases 6, 7 and 8, Petropars Co. concluded that it has to enter the operation and exploitation discipines; thus Petropars Operation and Management Company was established in 2009, with the goal of carrying out the activities related to operation and exploitation of oil and gas industries’ facilities in collaboration with a foreign company and the Iranian Petropars Company, Safvat noted.

Safvat called the pre-commissioning of South Pars Phases 15 and 16 as a symbol of Iranian specialists’ power, saying: concurrent with start of the oil industry projects in Assalouyeh, in order to produce gas from South Pars Large Field, the Iranian companies were in the stage of pre-commissioning, but unfortunately the commissioning phase of gas processing units was the monopoly of some foreign companies.
Stating that POMC is currently known as one of the private companies active in the area of commissioning of processing unit phases, thanks to its past experiences and the knowledge of its specialists, he said: “The presence of the world’s oil giants in South Pars is one of the key factors of success for Iranian companies, specially Petropars Operation and Management Company.
Long-term planning, experience, confidence in the specialty and capability of the Iranian educated workforce promise a clear horizon in oil industry, and this will not be achieved unless incorporated with work and effort, the POMC managing director added.

South Pars Phases 15 and 16 Restart Production in September

“When we operate the Unit 1 of this phase, Pars Oil and Gas Company asked us to stop the work for repairs, we project that the reoperation of unit 1 will start in September, the POMC managing director said,” concerning the latest status of South Pars Phases 15 and 16 Processing Unit.

He said that South Pars Phase 12 was pre-commissioned one month ago. On average, the pre-commissioning and commissioning of each unit takes 5 to 6 months, and in this way we hope we can operate one unit of this phase in the current year, he said.

We are planning to take the possession of the operation of the processing units completed by Petropars Company, so that they are not transferred to the Gas Company; because the transfer of these processing units do not have logical and economical justification and we can operate them with a lower cost, Safvat added.


LNG World News Staff, September 12, 2013; Image: POGC