SHINES team meeting

€10M SHINES project to advance tidal energy in North-West Europe


The SHINES project (Showcasing Hydrokinetic energy Innovations for Northwest European Energy Sovereignty) has launched, bringing together 14 partners from France, Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Germany to scale up tidal and river energy deployment.

SHINES team meeting. Source: Inyanga Marine Energy Group

With €10 million in funding, 60% covered by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the project will run from January 2025 to December 2028 under the leadership of the OPEN-C Foundation.

According to Inyanga Marine Energy Group, North-West Europe (NWE) has potential for tidal and river energy, with suitable locations including gulfs, straits, inlets, islands, and major rivers. 

SHINES aims to tackle these barriers by expanding three hydrokinetic technologies. HydroWing, RivGen, and TidalKite, through real-sea deployments in France and the Netherlands, alongside grid integration. The project is said to also engage 100 organizations in adopting tidal and river energy solutions.

As part of the project, Inyanga will design, construct and install a 600 kW HydroWing tidal turbine at the Paimpol-Bréhat test site in France. Additionally, the company will handle offshore operations for the SeaQurrent TidalKite device at the same site.

SHINES is said to build on NWE’s expertise in water management, hydrodynamics, and flow measurement, supporting the European Union’s Net-Zero Strategy and Critical Raw Materials Act. 

The initiative aligns with EU targets to deploy 1 GW of ocean energy capacity by 2030 and 40 GW by 2050, a sector expected to generate 400,000 jobs by 2050, Inyanga Marine Energy noted.

SHINES project partners include the lead partner Foundation OPEN-C, ORPC Ireland, SeaQurrent, Inyanga Tech (Inyanga Marine Energy Group), Bretagne Développement Innovation, Geemente Ameland, Amelander Energiecoöperatie, Cerema, Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, ÉireComposites Te, Foras na Mara – Marine Institute, and the Université de Liège.

In December 2024, the UK-based tidal energy developer, Inyanga Marine Energy Group unveiled the design of its 20 MW HydroWing tidal energy project, set to be deployed at the Morlais tidal energy site in Wales. 

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In January 2024, Inyanga Marine Energy Group opened a new office in Wales to support the development of the 10 MW HydroWing tidal stream energy project at Morlais, as the Morlais HydroWing project is scheduled for deployment in 2027.