Survey seen as key part of environmental licensing for Timor-Leste appraisal well kicks off

Environmental survey begins off Timor-Leste in preparation for planned drilling

Project & Tenders

UK-based Sunda Energy, former Baron Oil, has kicked off an environmental baseline survey in preparation for the drilling of a planned appraisal well at a gas field off the coast of Timor-Leste.

Illustration; Source: Sunda Energy

The survey vessel Outer Limit has commenced the environmental baseline survey in preparation for the drilling of the Chuditch-2 appraisal well, scheduled to be drilled in Q2 2025.

Sunda Energy said the studies consist of extensive sampling of the marine environment.

The survey is expected to be completed within five days and the results and analysis will be incorporated into the environmental impact statement (EIS), which is currently under preparation as part of the approvals process for the drilling of the well.

The Chuditch-2 appraisal well is part of the Chuditch production sharing contract (PSC), also known as TL-SO-19-16 PSC and Chuditch PSC area, which covers an area of approximately 3,571 km2, with water depths of 50-100 meters.

Sunda Energy bumped its timeline to Q2 2025 instead of Q1, with slippage in the schedule principally perceived to be the result of overrunning drilling activities of other operators using the company’s preferred rig.