PGNiG Q1 Gas Sales Up (Poland)

PGNiG Q1 Gas Sales Up

In the first quarter of 2013, the PGNiG Group sold 5.4 billion cubic metres of natural gas, setting its new record of quarterly sales.

In Q1 2013, the Group produced 1.15 billion cubic metres of natural gas.

At the same time, natural gas imports totalled 3.5 billion cubic metres, including 2.8 billion sourced from countries east of Poland.

In Q1 2013, the volume of crude oil sold was 207 thousand tonnes, while the volume produced reached 225 thousand tonnes.

On December 31st 2012, the PGNiG Group launched its first foreign hydrocarbon production project, in Norway. The volume of gas produced from the Norwegian Continent Shelf in Q1 2013 was 0.05 billion cubic metres. The volume of crude oil produced there was 21 thousand tonnes, while its sales reached 13 thousand tonnes.

As at March 31st 2013, the high-methane gas underground storage facilities (Brzeźnica, Husów, Strachocina, Swarzów and Wierzchowice Underground Gas Storage Facilities, and Mogilno Underground Gas Storage Cavern Facility) contained approximately 1.2 billion cubic meters of gas, including mandatory stocks managed by the Minister of Economy, relative to 0.6 billion cubic metres in the corresponding period of the prior year. The figure does not include the volume managed by Operator Systemu Przesyłowego Gaz-System SA.

The volume of PGNiG Termika’s heat sales in Q1 2013 was 18.5 PJ, compared with 17.7 PJ in Q1 2012, while its electricity sales increased to 1.53 TWh in Q1 2013, relative to 1.4 TWh in Q1 2012.

LNG World News Staff, April 22, 2013