An offshore platform

Norwegian firm lands waste management gig on Equinor’s North Sea platform

Project & Tenders

Norway-based cleantech service provider Soiltech has won a solid waste management contract with compatriot energy heavyweight Equinor for one of its platforms in the North Sea.

Statfjord B platform; Credit: Harald Pettersen/Equinor

Under the scope of the contract, the cleantech player is set to install and operate its solutions for handling drill cuttings on the Statfjord B platform, with startup scheduled for Q4 2024. Earlier this year, Soiltech won a contract with Equinor for the treatment of contaminated water on its floating storage unit (FSU) Njord Bravo.

“We are proud to be selected by Equinor for this project, which we see as a recognition of our commitment to delivering sustainable and cost-effective solutions,” said Soiltech’s CEO, Jan Erik Tveteraas.

The firm describes the contract as sizable, a term it uses for contracts worth NOK 3–10 million (approximately $276,000–920,000), with the potential of becoming a large contract, valued above NOK 25 million, or around $2.3 million. 

Located in the Tampen area in the northern part of the North Sea, Statfjord is described as one of the oldest producing fields in Norway, comprising Statfjord A, B, and C production platforms. The three platforms have been producing since 1979, 1982, and 1985, respectively. Equinor has initiated a field life extension project for Statfjord to extend its life until 2040.

Last year, the Statfjord B platform was the location of an incident resulting in an injury and leading to a gas leak. The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) served Equinor with a notice of order for the incident this May, a year after an investigation was launched.

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