CorPower Ocean completing C4 inspection and upgrades

CorPower to redeploy its first commercial-scale WEC following on-land upgrades (Video)

Business Developments & Projects

After its first cycle of ocean commissioning, Swedish company CorPower Ocean’s first commercial-scale wave energy device, C4, is nearing completion of on-land inspection and upgrades. 

Source: CorPower Ocean

CorPower Ocean is finishing post-deployment inspections and on-land upgrades based on data from its ocean deployment of the commercial-scale C4 wave energy converter (WEC). The upgrades that are applied to system capacity are based on the first 2,000 hours of operational data. 

After its first ocean commissioning cycle in Aguçadoura, northern Portugal, the C4 WEC was retrieved for inspection. Engineers have made adjustments and upgrades to enhance the system’s performance, focusing on increasing operational range, power capacity, and reliability based on the collected data, said the company.

Post-deployment inspections revealed insights on biofouling, corrosion, robustness, and station-keeping during storms. Electrical data collected during operation has led to upgrades that increase the system’s peak power capacity from 600 kW to 850 kW, by adding capacitance to the DC-link of the electrical drivetrain and upgrading new inverters with higher voltage ratings.

Sensor upgrades and calibrations have been implemented to improve accuracy in measuring and predicting device motion in six degrees of freedom. The tidal regulator under the C4 has been enhanced with a grease system, a seal/scraper solution for reliable long-term operation, and upgraded drive electronics for equal speed of retraction and extension under load, said CorPower Ocean.

The C4 is planned to be redeployed in Aguçadoura for a new operational phase to demonstrate its full power capacity and advanced control methods. After commissioning, a power performance assessment phase will begin.

“Since the initial C4 deployment in August 2023, all key aspects of the C4 system functions have now been successfully verified including power export to grid, automated control and monitoring of the system as well as safe Operations and Maintenance (O&M) methods,” said CorPower’s Director of Integration & Testing, Jean-Michel Chauvet.

“We are nearing completion of this latest round of upgrades involving both mechanical components and software based on the first cycle of learnings made based on 2000h of data, in order to further increase power output and operational range when the device is redeployed in Aguçadoura.”

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The O&M cycle took place at the company’s on-land base in Viana do Castelo. The C4 WEC, now proven at commercial scale at the Atlantic test site, has shown the ability to tune and detune based on sea conditions. 

C4 can limit response to extreme storm waves for up to 18,5 meters while enhancing motion and power capture in regular waves using phase control technology, said CorPower Ocean.

“We are pleased with progress made to date and look forward to the concretisation of our goals for the C4 following recent upgrades,” added Chauvet.

“It’s an important phase as we move towards Stage 5 of the HiWave and EU-SCORES Demonstration Project involving a CorPack wave cluster with three additional C5 devices. We are rapidly advancing in our mission to deliver a robust and efficient turnkey solution that allows our customers to generate electricity from ocean waves.”

In March 2024, CorPower Ocean was chosen to join the EIC Scaling Club, an EU-backed community of 100+ European high-growth deep-tech champions and their partners that aim to increase the value of chosen businesses and enhance their global impact.

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In terms of other related news, Patrik Möller, CEO of the Swedish company, was appointed as a Co-President of Ocean Energy Europe (OEE), a network of energy professionals, focused on leading the ocean energy sector through a transitional period.