UK subsea inspection specialist in deals with companies from Nigeria and Singapore

UK subsea inspection specialist in deals with companies from Nigeria and Singapore


UK-based TSC Subsea and Nigerian SubseaRobotix have established a strategic partnership to deliver subsea engineering and structural integrity solutions in the Nigerian market.

According to TSC Subsea, both companies share similar core values and will together provide inspection data for subsea assets, including pipelines, flexible risers, and offshore structures.

“We are excited to combine our expertise and strengths with SubseaRobotix to bring our ANDT solutions to the Nigerian market,” said Jonathan Bancroft, Sales Director at TSC Subsea. “Together, we aim to revolutionise the landscape of subsea inspection capabilities and structural integrity, ensuring utmost client satisfaction and raising the industry standards to new heights.”

TSC Subsea offers advanced non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques and robotic inspection systems, deployable via divers or remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), while SubseaRobotix delivers high-quality asset integrity assessments in challenging subsea environments.

“This agreement cements the long-standing relationship between our companies, and it is a measure of the confidence and trust both parties have in each other’s capabilities,” Bello Salihu, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at SubseaRobotix, added.

TSC Subsea also recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Rototech, a Singaporean company focused on inspecting and repairing marine assets.

The joint efforts are said to be directed towards offering subsea asset owners across the globe a solution for efficiently cleaning and conducting NDT on their vertical risers.

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At the beginning of the year, TSC Subsea revealed plans to expand to new markets in the Middle East, Africa, and South East Asia, following one of the company’s most successful years in which it had established new bases in Brazil and Australia, entered new sectors, including offshore wind and flow assurance, and grew its global headcount by more than 30%.