USA: Linde to Highlight LNG Technology at ACT Expo


With political turmoil in many oil-rich countries, oil prices soaring and diesel fuel and gasoline following the same upward spiral, the search for alternate sources of energy is intensifying. And no other class of commerce is more interested in moving away from oil-based fuels than the nation’s truck fleet owners, whose fuel costs have been going through the roof.

Fleet owner CEOs attending the Alternative Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo, to be held May 4-6 at the Long Beach, California, Convention Center, are invited to visit Linde North America in booth #131 where Linde engineers will be available to discuss the technology and benefits of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as an alternate fuel.

Linde and subsidiary, Cryostar, have the technology to help fleet owners move from diesel and gasoline to LNG. Our extensive experience allows us to create a complete supply chain solution – from the natural gas or biogas source to the end-user, including designing and delivering turnkey LNG refueling stations. We’re a one stop shop,” said Bryan Luftglass, head of business development for Linde North America’s Energy Solutions group. Linde North America and Cryostar are members of The Linde Group, a world-leading gases and engineering company.

Besides the economic benefits, Luftglass also highlights several added benefits of LNG-powered vehicles. “Most LNG is produced domestically, reducing our dependence on oil imports and creating jobs here in the U.S. And natural gas fueled vehicles produce significantly fewer greenhouse gases and nitrogen oxide emissions than comparable diesel fuel vehicles, making LNG a green alternative,” Luftglass said.


Source: Linde, May 5, 2011;