Samsung Heavy Industries pens $172mln deal for crude carrier duo


South Korean shipbuilder Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) has signed a contract for the construction of two crude carriers.

Illustration; Credit: Maran Tankers Management

As informed, the shipbuilding firm will construct the vessels for an undisclosed shipowner from Oceania. The value of both ships is estimated at KRW 227.5 billion ($172 million).

The crude carriers are slated for delivery by February 2026, SHI revealed in its stock exchange filling.

According to the South Korean local media. SHI has secured orders worth $2.7 billion to construct seven ships, or 28 percent of its 2023 target of $9.5 billion since the beginning of this year. This encompassed liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers, crude carriers and a floating liquefied natural gas production facility (FLNG).

Last month, the company announced it developed a next-generation floating liquefied natural gas production facility model. Moreover, the firm received Approval in Principle (AiP) for an FLNG floater independent model (MLF-N, a multi-purpose LNG floater-nearshore) from classification society DNV 

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