ELA Container gives a boost to ‘the lifesaver of the Dutch seas’


During Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference in Amsterdam, ELA Container has expressed its support to the efforts of the Royal Dutch Rescue Society (KNRM), often referred to as ‘the lifesaver of the Dutch seas’.

ELA Container and KRNM representatives; Photo: Navingo BV
ELA Container and KRNM representatives; Photo: Navingo BV

The company will supply a container to store and dry the KNRM survival suits for the volunteers of Reddingstation Terschelling and has also granted the organization a discount of €15,000 including an extra sponsorship contribution of €10,000, to give the project an additional boost.

“We are extremely proud to support the Royal Dutch Rescue Society (KNRM), ‘the lifesaver of the Dutch seas by supplying a special drying room container to store and dry the KNRM survival suits for the volunteers of Terschelling Rescue Station,” ELA Container said.

“The KNRM receives no government subsidy and is supported entirely by volunteer contributions. For that reason we felt committed to do something to support this fantastic organization.”

The container provider to the offshore energy industry has also started a crowdfunding campaign to double the first €10,000.

“[We] have given this project a kick start but we are not there yet. Will you help us to finance the rest of this project? We will double the first € 10,000! Join us and support our KNRM!”