Nigerian LNG cargo bound for Portugal

Ports & Logistics

REN-operated Sines LNG import terminal in Portugal is set to receive a new cargo of the gas from Nigeria.

Image courtesy of REN

The cargo will be delivered from Nigeria LNG’s Bonny Island liquefaction plant onboard the LNG Borno liquefied natural gas carrier.

The vessel with the capacity to transport 149,600 cubic meters of liquefied natural gas was built by the South Korean shipyard Samsung Heavy Industries in 2007.

Shipping data from the port of Sines shows that the LNG carrier is scheduled to dock at the terminal on March 24.

NLNG’s Bonny Island facility has the capacity to produce 22 mtpa of liquefied natural gas from its six trains.

Sines LNG terminal, located on Portugal’s Atlantic coast, has a nominal send out capacity of 600,000 cubic meters per hour (5.26 bcm per year), with a peak capacity of 900,000 cubic meters per hour.

The Borno LNG carrier delivered its previous cargo to the port of Sines on February 23.


LNG World News Staff