US FERC issues positive FEIS for Venture Global’s Calcasieu Pass LNG project

Ports & Logistics

The United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has issued a final environmental impact statement for Venture Global LNG’s Calcasieu Pass project and related pipeline infrastructure in Cameron Parish, Louisiana.

Image courtesy of Venture Global LNG

Venture Global LNG is developing a liquefaction and export facility with 12 million tonnes per annum of LNG production capacity.

“The FERC staff concludes that construction and operation of the project would result in some adverse environmental impacts, but these impacts would be reduced to less-than-significant levels,” FERC said in the statement.

FERC said that its commissioners will take the FERC staff’s recommendations into consideration when they make a decision on the project. However, FERC did not say when the commissioners would make that decision.

The Calcasieu Pass project includes two LNG storage tanks, each with a capacity of about 200,000 cubic meters, and a 720-megawatt electricity generating plant.

Venture Global is developing both the Calcasieu Pass facility on the Gulf of Mexico and the 20 mtpa Plaquemines LNG facility on the Mississippi River due to be completed in 2022 and 2023 respectively.

Worth mentioning here, the company recently entered into an agreement to supply Polish Oil and Gas Co (PGNiG) with LNG for 20 years starting in 2022.


LNG World News Staff