Gallery: Dominion’s Cove Point LNG 99.3 percent done

Ports & Logistics
Gallery: Dominion's Cove Point LNG 99.3 percent done
Image courtesy of Dominion Energy

Dominion Energy said the construction of its Cove Point liquefaction and export project near Lusby, Maryland is 99.3 percent done. 

At the terminal, work continued on the modification to the existing plant in the areas of the jetty platforms and tie-in scope, as well as on the final grading, insulation, tie-ins and electrical/I&C installation.

In its monthly filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Dominion informed that revegetation and non-native invasive species monitoring will continue for the remained of the year and through 2018.

The project has already received the FERC permission to export commissioning volumes from the project. The project has already entered the final stage of start-up.

The commissioning exports would reach an amount of equivalent to 250 billion cubic feet, and the facility, once completed, will have the capacity to produce 5.25 million metric tons of LNG per year.

The production capacity has been fully subscribed with Pacific Summit Energy, a U.S. unit of Sumitomo Corporation, as well as with GAIL Global (USA) LNG, a U.S. unit of India’s utility GAIL, under 20-year terminal service agreements.


LNG World News Staff