Danes Plan Thor Tender Meet-Up

Business & Finance

The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) and Energinet are hosting a market dialogue in November for potential bidders and investors in the coming tender for the Thor offshore wind project.

The market dialogue, which will be held on 25 November, aims to optimize the tendering material in order to ultimately obtain the lowest possible bid price.

The main elements of the tendering process will be presented and discussed, including the timetable, pre-qualification conditions, award criteria and financial terms, compliance penalties, environmental assessment and issues related to the grid connection.

According to DEA, the potential bidders will have the opportunity to influence the framework conditions and the tendering material for the project.

A detailed program for the market dialogue is expected to be published at the end of September, with more information to be revealed at the end of October.

To remind, DEA and Energinet held a technical market dialogue on preliminary site-investigations for the Thor site in May, which resulted in requests for supplementary surveys.

Thor is the first of three 800MW offshore wind projects to be constructed in Danish waters before 2030, with an option for the developer to boost the wind farm’s capacity to up to 1GW.

The project will be built off Nissum Fjord in the North Sea and is expected to feature 13-15MW turbines set to be operational between 2024 and 2027.