Clean Energy Fuels nets LNG supply deal

Project & Tenders

Clean Energy Fuels informed on Thursday it has been awarded a contract by the city of Santa Monica to supply liquefied natural gas to the city’s Big Blue Bus fleet. 

According to the company’s statement, the five-year contract is priced at US$3 million per year.

BBB fleet has already been using natural gas since January 2015, however, in June last year, the company modified its agreement with Clean Energy Fuels to use renewable LNG.

The Renewable LNG is non-fracked methane harvested from organic waste in landfills, Clean Energy Fuels said.

Over the three year period, Big Blue Bus, that operates a fleet of 200 natural gas-powered buses plans to replace 100 engines with the new Cummins-Westport that has received both U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Air Resources Board emission certifications.


LNG World News Staff