Marine Power Systems

Contractors wanted for MPS’ megawatt-scale wind and wave hybrid

Project & Tenders

Welsh company Marine Power Systems (MPS) has issued three tenders looking for contractors to undertake demonstrator platform and demonstrator device work for its megawatt-scale wind and wave energy solution.

MPS’ floating wind and wave energy device (Courtesy of MPS)

In the first tender, MPS is seeking a contractor to fabricate the various components of the demonstrator platform, deliver it to the marshalling site and provide technical support during the assembly stage of the project.

The second tender is issued to appoint a contractor to assemble the various components of the platform as well as perform platform float out.

Finally, in the third tender, the company is looking for a contractor to assemble the various components of the demonstrator device and perform the device float out.

The deadline for requests to participate in the tenders is set for 16 March 2022 while the estimated award date is 20 May 2022.

As reported recently, MPS is also searching for a contractor to support the engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) of the wind turbine system for the project.

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The project, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Welsh Government, will see MPS demonstrating a combined wind and wave energy device, dubbed DualSub, at the grid-connected Biscay Marine Energy Platform (BiMEP) test site in northern Spain.

According to Marine Power Systems, the megawatt-scale demonstrator project will begin operation in early 2023.

The Welsh company appointed Principia as the lead contractor on detailed design and engineering of the floating platform, with Bourbon Subsea Services taking a supporting role in the project.

Black & Veatch will help guide MPS across subsystem design coordination, systems engineering and the certification of the hardware.

Quoceant will work on the detailed design of the wave energy converter technology and support with the procurement, manufacture, assembly, installation and operation of the converter at BiMEP.

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