Naval Energies and SIDS DOCK Sign Floating Wind MoU

Authorities & Government

Naval Energies and SIDS DOCK have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support the development of offshore floating wind projects in the Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

Source: Naval Group

The French offshore renewable energy technology developer Naval Energies and SIDS DOCK, the United Nations (UN)-recognized SIDS Sustainable Energy and Climate Resilience Organization will also support the development of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) deep-sea conversion plants.

Through this partnership, both SIDS DOCK and Naval Energies will closely cooperate with regional organizations, the small island countries and the renewable energies stakeholders to promote the development of OTEC deep-sea conversion and floating offshore wind projects.

Together, the partners will be advocating marine renewable energies development, gathering experts and mobilizing resources to perform site studies and feasibilities studies in order to attract sponsors and investors to finance the development of projects on a short-term basis, with the goal of helping the SIDS transition to a Blue Economy.

“We are very pleased to sign this partnership with SIDS DOCK and look forward to a fruitful collaboration to develop marine renewable energies projects in small islands in the Caribbean, Pacific and Atlantic and Indian Oceans,” Laurent Schneider-Maunoury, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of France’s Naval Energies, said.

”The OTEC Deep-Sea Conversion onshore plants will highly contribute to supply islands with a unique combination of renewable electricity, air-conditioning, fresh water and aquaculture and will help address the energy-water-waste nexus. The generation of renewable electricity with floating offshore wind turbine shall also power the islands closed grid with a reliable new source of renewable energy with no land pressure.”