Illustration (Courtesy of SELKIE)

SELKIE sets up free tank testing for ocean energy developers

Business Developments & Projects

The EU-backed SELKIE project has extended free access to tank testing at its facilities to the marine energy developers in its network.

Illustration (Courtesy of SELKIE)
Illustration (Courtesy of SELKIE)
Illustration (Courtesy of SELKIE)

SELKIE and Lir-National Ocean Test Facility (Lir NOTF) have teamed up to offer the programme which will provide free access to the facilities of Lir-NOTF to Irish and Welsh offshore renewable energy (ORE) developers.

This access programme to the Lir-NOTF is designed to enable the testing and progression of ORE technologies through the early development stages in advance of open sea testing.

It is supported by SELKIE and is open to any type of wave or tidal ORE technology which can be tested at the Lir NOTF.

“The Lir NOTF is Ireland’s primary facility for testing and development of offshore technologies and has a long track record in supporting offshore renewable energy (ORE) technologies through early-stage technology readiness level (TRL) development”, SELKIE said.

While fixed offshore wind technologies are commercially advanced, many ORE technologies that are required for deeper water and more aggressive environments are still in early stages of development.

These technology developers usually consist of individuals, SMEs and academics who generally do not have the financial resources and expertise to determine the feasibility of their concept and require support.

The SELKIE project is an EU-backed Ireland-Wales project developing a streamlined commercialisation pathway for the marine renewable energy (MRE) industry.

The project, led by a consortium of six partner organisations, brings together academia and industry through the development of open-source, multi-use tools and models to reduce MRE costs as well as developing a cross-border innovation network to increase and diversify MRE businesses in Wales and Ireland.