Ramboll to Conduct Thor Environmental Study

Project & Tenders

Energinet has contracted Ramboll to carry out the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and environmental investigations for the Thor offshore wind project in Denmark.

Ramboll will provide a SEA of the plan for the Thor project, as well as a number of surveys and technical reports on specific environmental and other themes.

These are primarily meant as background reports for an expected later environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the actual project to be decided at a later stage by the future concession owner.

The technical reports will address potential impacts during construction, operation and decommissioning phases, potential cumulative and transboundary impacts, proposals for measures to mitigate adverse impacts, analysis of data gaps and uncertainties of relevance for the assessments and proposals for monitoring programs.

Energinet issued the tender seeking a consultant to provide the SEA in July.

Thor is the first of three 800MW offshore wind farms to be constructed in Danish waters before 2030, with an option for the developer to boost the wind farm’s capacity to up to 1,000MW.

The project will be built off Nissum Fjord in the North Sea and is expected to feature 13-15MW turbines set to be operational between 2024 and 2027. Energinet commenced the feasibility studies for the wind farm in May.