Tetrahedron goes above and beyond for offshore wind turbines


In an interview with Wilco Stavenuiter, Founder & Owner at Tetrahedron, we hear more about the novel crane type developed by the company to tackle the installation challenges in the wind industry.

Wilco Stavenuiter (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)
Wilco Stavenuiter (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)
Wilco Stavenuiter (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)

Stavenuiter explained what lies behind the innovative crane, and how it differs from other solutions present at the market. He pointed out that the crane has been specifically developed for offshore wind industry, as opposed to other solutions that were primarily developed for oil and gas sector.

Commenting on the current status of development of the crane, Stavenuiter said: “We completed the engineering. We also completed the resourcing for all the components. The next step is to build the crane itself to demonstrate the technology working in full-scale.

“To build it, of course, we also need to tackle the challenges of financial commitments and to get the finance in place. To do that, you need to partner up with the consortium where together you can solve all the potential problems that will probably emerge during the construction phase”.

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