Planning Inspectorate Schedules Norfolk Boreas DCO Meets

Business & Finance

The UK Planning Inspectorate is holding hearings on the Norfolk Boreas offshore wind project as part of the examination of the order granting development consent application.

The two issue-specific hearings on offshore effects, including the draft development consent order, will be held on 21 and 22 January 2020, beginning at 10:00 a.m. local time at Blackfriars Hall in Norwich.

In addition, the inspectorate will hold an Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) on 23 January 2020, commencing at 8:00 a.m.

Areas to be visited include the substations site at Necton, and surroundings, and Cawston. Other requested locations will be considered for inclusion in a future ASI.

Norfolk Boreas is a 1.8GW offshore wind project located next to sister project Norfolk Vanguard. It covers an area of 725km2 and is located circa 72km off the Norfolk coast at its nearest point.

The project will feature up to 180 turbines with a minimum individual capacity of 10MW installed on fixed bottom foundations.

To remind, Norfolk Boreas Limited submitted the DCO application on 11 June. The Planning Inspectorate accepted the application for examination at the beginning of July.